University was coming to an end, the reality of working life, a career and the terrifying prospect of growing up loomed. This is a situation that has been the breeding ground for many amazing adventures and ideas. So when, in this atmosphere of fear and dread, Ian and Alan started playing a simple game of pool in the local pub, it was almost inevitable that a life changing idea would be born.
In a desperate effort to hide the fact that he was losing badly, Alan tried to distract Ian from the table:
"Did you see the football last night? How‘s the work going? Do you fancy cycling to Cape Town?"
It only took a second, but that was it, Ian‘s eyes lit up and EyeOnAfrica was born. (Alan still lost the game).
So, despite never having done anything quite like it before, the two students started to plan what would undoubtedly become one of the greatest road trips of their lives, a 12,000-mile bicycle ride from London to Cape Town.
A path that will see them leaving behind the comfortable familiarity of England, heading first through France and Spain before entering Africa via Morocco. From there, cycling down through Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho and, finally, South Africa, arriving in Cape Town just in time to see the amazing spectacle of the 2010 football World Cup being hosted by South Africa.
As well as the draw of the unknown and the adventure, there are other reasons behind Alan‘s and Ian‘s decision to travel through Africa on bike rather than any other type of transport. They both firmly believe that world cannot continue to burn fossil fuels as this is not only is it a waste of a valuable resource but also due to the affects of carbon dioxide on the world climate. Over short distances Cycling is fantastic way for everyone to reduce his or her own personal carbon footprint (see the Sustrans web Site: Ian and Alan hope that EyeOnAfrica will show that this can also be true for longer distances by travelling half way round the world on bicycles;
EyeOnAfrica - 12,000 miles of low-carbon travel all because of a game of pool.
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